The Eye of All-Seeing Wonder
Issue One | Autumn 1992
Tékumel Products Review
Tékumel items can be obtained in the UK from Leisure Games (91 Ballards Lane, Finchley, London N3 1XY—telephone 020-8346 2327) or Esdevium Games (6 Wellington Street, Aldershot, Hants GU11 1DZ—telephone 01252 311443). They accept Visa and Mastercard. In Germany try Bauerheide 5 (Postfach 2143, 4670 Lünen); in Italy, Stratelibri SRL (Via Paisiello No 4, 20131 Milano); in Spain, Central de Jocs (C/Numancia 112-116, 08029-Barcelona). Alternatively write direct to the publishers: Theatre of the Mind Inc, PO Box 60668, King of Prussia, PA 19406-0668.
Empire of the Petal Throne
is a reprint of the TSR original, first Issued in 1975. EPT was in essence a reworking of D&D set on Tékumel. This edition doesn’t have the world maps (annoyingly) but it does have details of fauna, customs, mythic people and treasures, etc, so it is probably important if you want to run a high adventure campaign. Also it has a good concise introduction to the world and various aspects of daily life, so we’d recommend it as a first purchase.
Adventures on Tékumel
is the most up-to-date Tékumel product, Issued earlier this year. Vol One deals with the early life of characters in comprehensive detail, giving all the skills and hobbies you would acquire. Also worth getting because of the narratives, which show a fascinating glimpse of Tsolyáni lifestyles. Vol Two takes your character through solitaire adventures (going to a party, joining the priesthood, etc) for a real flavour of Tsolyáni life. The next best thing to playing in Professor Barker’s own campaign.
The Tékumel Sourcebook
has the world maps, so if you expect your characters ever to leave Jakálla you must get this. It looks a bit daunting on first reading, since Barker covers every aspect of society for not only each of the Five Empires, but also several minor nations and most nonhuman cultures as well! Volume Two suffers from appallingly inauthentic illustrations.
The Book of Ebon Bindings
now reIssued in a very attractive edition is probably the most entertaining read of all the Tékumel books. It details the powers of a number of demons and how to go about summoning them. We like the little cautionary anecdotes that are worked into each chapter, shedding light on the curious practices and attitudes of Tsolyáni wizards.
Deeds of the Ever-Glorius
is an overview of Tsolyánu’s history as seen from the perspective of the various legions. It paints a picture, not of a monolithic and unchanging society, but of flexibility and constant upheaval. Tsolyánu may have been ruled by a single dynasty for over two thousand years, but it’s had its share of ‘interesting times’ along the way. A must if you have former or current legionaries amongs your player-characters.