Tékumel Archive

The Eye of All-Seeing Wonder

Issue One | Autumn 1992

The Relative Status of Tsolyáni Legions

By Jack Bramah

Elite and Exalted

The Omnipotent Azure Legion

The First Legion of Ever-Present Glory

The Legion of the Golden Sunburst

The Legion of the Lord of Red Devastation


The Legion of Lord Hnalla, Master of Light

The Legion of Mirkitani, Hero of Victories

The Legion of the Givers of Sorrow

The Legion of Searing Flame

The Legion of Serqu, Sword of the Empire


The Legion of Potent Destiny

The Legion of the Sweet Singers of Nakome

The Battalions of the Seal of the Worm

The Legion of Girikteshmu

The Legion of the Clan of Noble Vrayani

The Legion of the Twelve Paths of Avanthe


The Legion of the Mighty Prince

The Legion of the Scales of Brown

The Legion of the Echoing Stone

The Legion of the Deep Purple Dark

The Legion of Heketh of Purdimal

The Phalanx of Lord Durritlamish

The Legion of Gusha the Khirgari

The Cohorts of Lord Chegarra the Hero-King

The Legion of the Storm of Fire

The Legion of Kaikama of Bey Sü

The Legion of the Clan of the Broken Bough

The Legion of Lord Kharihaya

The Legion of the Sapphire Kirtle

The Legion of the Inverted Hand

The Squadrons of Tlaneno the Steersman


The Legion of the Portals of Death

The Legion of the Ruby Hand

The Legion of the Mace Raised High

The Legion of Kurukaa

The Legion of Mighty Jakálla

The Legion of Mengano the Jakállan

The Legion of Ketl

The Battalions of Vrishtara the Mole

The Legion of Lord Langsha of Jaikalor

The Legion of Mnashu of Thri’il

The Legion of the Clan of the Golden Sphere

The Aridani Legion of Lady Mrissa

The Legion of the Many-Legged Serpent

The Forces of Lord Ga’anish of Katalal

The Legion of Defence Against Evil

The Armoured Vision of Death

The Legion of Chulin the Foreigner

The Legion of the Prince of the Blue Room

The Legion of the Band of Mnerr

The Legion of Morusai the Chieftan

The Legion of the Black Band of Mirizha

The Regiment of the Clan of Silver Lightning

The Legion of the Peaks of Kraa

The Legion of Elechu of Usenanu

The Legion of the Crystalline Peak

The Regiment of the Knower of Spells

The Legion of Glorious Destiny

The Legion of the Citadel of Glory

The Legion of the Clan of the Standing Stone

The Legion of Lord Kaingmra of Bey Sü

The Flotilla of Hagarr of Paranta

The Slayers of Cities

Temple guards of the war gods


The Legion of the Fishers of Death

The Legion of the Lord of Wisdom

The Legion of the Shattering of Ssúyal

The Phalanx of Heretlekka of Sokatis

The Legion of the Smiting of the East

The Legion of the Night of Shadows

The Regiment of Noble Ssiyor of Mrelu

The Battalions of Srüma of Vra

The Forces of Chai Miridai

The Legion of the Wind of Iron

The Legion of the Wind of Arrows

The Legion of Gagarsha of Mmillaka

Temple guards of other deities


Tomb Police

Irregular Light Infantry

City Militia

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