Tékumel Archive

The Blue Room

Approved Materials

User contributed articles and other items that have been approved by Professor Barker as compatible with ‘Real Tékumel’.

Every article here has as the first line: This article has been approved by Professor Barker as compatible with ‘Real Tékumel’. Please do not remove it.

Other items carry proper copyrights also. Please respect these people’s works and register them if they are shareware.


by Anton Doyvidaitis

Adobe Acrobat 4.0

Gardasiyal Table of Contents


by David Lemire

Adobe Acrobat 3.0

Hu’on, a Tsolyáni Martial Art


Zipped file

A Mac ONLY shareware program. (If you don't have any long file name recognition version of the Tékumelani game Kevuk on your system, the file name will be MACKEV-1.HQX). Must Register to fully play.


by Robert Dushay

Adobe Acrobat 3.0

How to make a player Pé Chói character.

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